

Suitable for Step 8


Depends on the task and the complexity of the topic.

Material Needed

Information on case studies.

Group size

Individual, in pairs, or as a group


To enable learners to transfer knowledge, facts and/ or insights gained while working on a topic, to another similar, but unknown topic.


Present an example that illustrates the topic chosen suitable to represent its general characteristics.  For example, if you teach about deserts, you might choose the Sahara as a representative example. The facts, knowledge and insights the learners gain by dealing with deserts in general and the Sahara desert in particular enable them to transfer that learning to other deserts like the Thar, Kalahari or Mojave Desert.

Contribution to Systems Thinking competence

The ability to transfer knowledge and insights from one topic to another and apply the developed competences. It will also have benefits in the context of systemic thinking.


Understanding the principles of interventions in systems, enable the learners to transfer their knowledge to identify potential interventions in systems of their choice. If they enhance their ability learning about cotton, they might be able to transfer their experience and developed competence on the topic “potato chips”