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Exploring Traditions with SDG framework

Traditional Knowledge Systems (TKS) can play a crucial role in addressing several critical challenges that the world in facing today such as climate change, food security and loss of biodiversity. India’s Nationally Determined Commitment (NDC) to meet climate change goals recognize the importance of traditional knowledge and values of conservation and leading sustainable lifestyles. The University Grants Commission too lays emphasis on integration of Indian traditional knowledge into higher education.

This session aims at introducing the role of Traditional Knowledge systems (TKS) in Sustainable Development. Participants get to learn about the rich diversity of traditional knowledge and lessons for sustainable development through examples, and develop critical understanding and perspective. It would also provide glimpses into opportunities to integrate TKS in existing academic and field work domains es.pecially in critical areas of climate resilience, biodiversity conservationt food security.

Who may find this session useful?

Faculty teaching at higher education institutions, Teachers, development professionals and college students.

Expected Learning Outcomes

  1. Get oriented to TKS and begin to develop critical understanding and perspective to TKS in the context of sustainability
  2. Understand opportunities in sustainability domain to integrate TKS
  3. Know some examples of How TKS can help in meeting SDGs

While we are struggling to look for solutions to address sustainability challenges, can our own traditions guide us?

Explore with us what role can traditional practices play in addressing most pressing issues of our time

Such as Climate change, food security and biodiversity.

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