Offer professional and short-term training and capacity-building in EE and sustainable development issues; Pool institutional resources and extend the reach of the programmes through linkeges with various agencies.

Networking is not only a key activity but also an important characteristic of CEE's projects and programmes. It is seen as a way to gain access to a greater range of expertise and other resources, and avoid the duplication of efforts by efficient use of available resources. As an intrinsic feature of most of CEE's educational and training programmes and initiatives, it enables the pooling of institutional resources and extends the reach of projects and programmes.

CEE has developed national and international linkages with numerous agencies, both governmental and non-governmental, working in related fields. These linkages are in the form of collaborative projects, exchange programmes, mail contact, symposia and seminars. It encourages its staff members to further facilitate the cause of EE by participating in workshops and seminars or delivering talks in fields related to EE.

Some Major Programmes

  • South and South East Asia Network for Environmental Education (SASEANEE), an IUNC-CEC and CEE initiative
  • South Asia Youth Environment Network (SAYEN), a UNEP initiative
  • ENVIS (Environmental Information System) Node
  • WASH South Asia Focal Point
  • Focal Point for South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme (SACEP)
  • Information & Facilitation Counter

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UNDP-GoI Endogenous Eco-tourism Project

In recent years, there has been an increasing recognition of the importance of education for achieving sustainable development. A growing number of educational and action programmes for conservation, environment protection and sustainable development have been initiated in the country, but their successful implementation is constrained by a shortage of trained personnel. Many universities, in recent years, have introduced courses in environmental studies, but little attention has been paid to the development of communication skills that are essential for effective work in the field.

CEE has, since its inception, focused on capacity building professionals for carrying out effective environmental education and sustainable development programmes. The aim is to develop a cadre of professionals in order to improve and strengthen professionalism in the field of ESD. The training programmes are designed to enhance awareness, instil a positive attitude towards the environment and develop the skills needed to tackle and resolve environmental problems as well as communicate effectively about environmental issues. A range of short and long term training programmes are offered.

Regular Programmes:

  • Green Teacher - Nigeria
  • Training in Education and Communication for Sustainable Development , three month programme for in-service professional from around the world
  • ‘EE Processes in Formal Education Systems' , an advanced International Training Programme for in-service professionals in the field of environment in Asia and Africa.
  • Teach and Learn Environmental Education Modules (TALEEM) , short duration modules focusing on areas of special interest to educators, professionals and volunteers involved in Environment and Development
  • Environmental Education Bank , a five day training programme for environmental educators, teachers, etc
  • Internship Programme in Environment and Development Communication , to train graduates and post graduates with an aptitude and flair for writing for a media career in journalism and/or development communication
  • Training in Librarianship and Documentation, an internship programme for fresh post-graduates in Library and Information Science

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Distance Learning Programmes (DLP):

  • Green Teacher – Diploma in Environmental Education, a one-year distance education programme for middle-school teachers
  • Environmental Journalism, a three-month course that gives intensive training to develop analytical, research and writing skills among participants

Tailor-made Programmes:

CEE also offers tailor-made programmes on request from the Government, NGOs, academic institutions in India and other countries. For example:

  • Training of IFS Officers of Various States
  • How to be an Effective Environmental Educator: Training in Self Development, EE and Communication
  • Teachers Training Programme for Infosys Foundation
  • Training Module on Zoo Education and Interpretation for Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun
  • Activity Training Workshop for Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board

Some Other Programmes

  • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Formal Education: An international advanced training programme
  • Environmental Education for Teacher Educators
  • Virda Capacity Building
  • TECSD Online
  • Training of Key Resource Persons of UP in Environmental Education
  • School Sanitation and Hygiene Education Project - Teacher Training
  • Teacher Training in Kodagu
  • State Council of Education Research & Training (SCERT)
  • Capacity Building Programme for State Level Trainers in Uttar Pradesh
  • AGTP on Renewable Energy