GEEPSGoa Environmental Education Programme in School (GEEPS):

CEE Goa in collaboration with the directorate of Education, Government of Goa has initiated the Goa Environmental Education Programme in Schools (GEEPS). GEEPS involves organization of year-long environmental education programmes in about 200 secondary and higher secondary schools. GEEPS was implemented in two phases. Activities in Phase I include:

  • Developing locale-specific environmental education materials for teachers and students

  • Building capacities among cluster partners and teachers through regular training programmes

  • Facilitating environmental action programmes in the schools. Four major environmental issues have been selected as themes for the schools to work on – Solid Waste Management, Mining and its impact on Environment, Eco-tourism and Biodiversity

As part of this phase, CEE Goa developed following EE materials

Teachers’ Manual

  • Goa; Beyond Sun and Sand
  • Goa: Land of Treasure


  • Garbage Troubles; Lets Act Now
  • Goa and Its Ecosystems

In GEEPS phase II, the main objective was to try and test the material developed in Phase I. The project had following components:

  • Orientation workshop for the Institutional Heads: This workshop was organized to orient the Heads of Institutions, especially about students’ projects so as to enhance the implementation of Programme in their school. The educational materials developed were handed over to the Heads.
  • Capacity Building of the Cluster Partners: This workshop helped analyze the experience of the previous phase and plan the action projects for the current phase.
  • Cluster School Programme: Each cluster conducted three-day teacher training workshops and trained teachers on teaching methodology of environmental education.

Each school took up a small research, monitoring or action project given in the information and activity booklet. The manuals developed under GEEPS helped teachers and students in implementation.


Goa State Office
C/o State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT)
Alto Porvorim, Bardez
Goa - 403 521
E-mail: [email protected]